Cobo Center introduces a new website
Cobo Center recently introduced a new website and is excited to present its new look. With enhanced accessibility features, a more modern platform, downloadable images, and information categories, the website redesign is more easily navigable for attendees, planners and exhibitors looking to do business with Cobo.
The popular website blog page "Here You Matter" also received a facelift with an expanded "most popular post" section and panoramic images of the facility. The blog retained its most usable features, enabling viewers to sign up for new posts right on the homepage, and access the articles that matter most with smart topic filters.
The fresh look and user-friendly footer navigation are not the only new features to the website. New ADA accessibility features allow people with vision problems to better view the page, screen reader quick links including "skip to content" and pause buttons for videos and slide shows. The website accessibility page also gives viewers recommendations for requesting assistance.
The new event calendar has buttons for the next few upcoming events that click to detailed information like event websites, ticket information, event dates and times. The adjacent "View All Events" link takes viewers to the full upcoming event calendar.
Our goal with the new website is to provide visitors and customers with an easier way to learn about Cobo Center. We hope you will enjoy the new site. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please send an email and let us know at sales@cobocenter.com