We dedicate ourselves to new realities as events return.
COVID-19 Response Updates
Effective Tuesday 3/24/20 Michigan Governor Whitmer issued an Order that everyone in Michigan suspend activities not necessary to sustain or protect life relative to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
While global event organizations address issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, TCF Center is taking precautionary measures to ensure the health and safety of employees, clients, patrons and the Detroit community. We continue to closely monitor the situation with the expertise of local, state and federal health officials. Important information updates can be found HERE
Currently, TCF Center has:
- Instructed all non-essential employees to work from home and given them the resources to do so safely and effectively
- Restructured the work schedules of critical personnel to ensure the safety and operations of the venue
- Closed the building to the public and discontinued the Detroit People Mover station stop in TCF Center
- Postponed or cancelled all events through April 13 and will continue to work with customers to follow the Governor's orders
- Installed additional hand sanitizer stations throughout the center
- Increased signage outlining advisable precautions (e.g. handwashing) in public areas
- Employed the use of a new product called BNC-15 is effective against the coronavirus. This product is utilized by staff on each shift to spray and disinfect all door knobs, ledges, counters, handrails, escalator rails and other surfaces people touch regularly
- Continued to use a Kaivac Cleaning System with the disinfectant NABC to power wash restrooms regularly
- Continued to engage with the federal, state and local health organizations to ensure we receive the latest updates and protocols
- Distributed critical information to key staff members and business partners to help prevent communicable illnesses throughout the venue
- Continued to work with customers to postpone events to different dates on the event calendar as necessary
- Continued to consult with the City of Detroit, the Wayne County Health Department and the state of Michigan to review appropriate precautionary measures
A public COVID-19 FAQ has also been added to our website to answer recent and ongoing questions from the media, customers and the public.
Everyone at TCF Center is invested in the recovery of the industry and the nation. We are committed to remaining centered around our customers and Detroit in these trying times and will follow the Governor’s lead. We are with you in this effort. Please be safe and look out for each other.