New Electrical Service Provider Announced for Huntington Place: Freeman
As of April 1, Freeman Electrical will become the exclusive electrical services for Detroit's Huntington Place. Freeman has been on-site throughout March, acclimating to the venue's ecosystem and working with center employees to establish necessary procedures and protocol.
To create a smooth transition for customers, the Freeman crew is working with Conti Hi-Tech, current electric provider in the venue to relay event orders and transfer onsite equipment. Freeman assumed all prior orders for electrical service and abides by the Huntington Place Efficiency Memorandum for labor services.
“Freeman is one of the most successful and well established event service companies in the business that offers an exclusive branch dedicated to providing electrical services to many of the largest convention centers in the country,” said Karen Totaro, general manager of Huntington Place. “This new contract is one more step in our efforts to be bold and provide the highest level of customer service in the industry. Our reputation is enhanced by who we choose to partner with and we are so pleased to partner with Freeman.”
The selection was made after completion of a thorough review process. According to materials submitted by Freeman, Huntington Place in Detroit is a destination on the rise as the city is investing back into the downtown area making it an attractive destination for many in the hospitality industry, including the international event industry. Huntington Place has transformed itself and is a beautiful building right in the heart of downtown Detroit.
“Freeman’s 95-years of success has relied, to a great extent, on trusted partnerships with our affiliates — including the major event venues,” said Janet Dell, Freeman President and COO. “We’re proud to work at Huntington Place, and we value ASM Global’s capable, efficient, knowledgeable management. They help bring in business because they know what’s needed, what’s possible, and how to make things happen for all the conferences and trade shows our clients bring to Detroit.”
Once onboard, FreemanOnline® the proprietary online ordering portal, or “Customer Support Center,” will replace the Conti Electric order links on the Online Ordering page in the Huntington Place website. Exhibitors will be able to order electrical services, labor and equipment, and access order history from Freeman through any web-enabbled device 24/7. On-site customer service assistance can be requested with no log-in required. The Freeman Customer Support Center has been recognized by J.D Power for excellence every year since 2010.
“We have an opportunity to look at our services and processes and fine tune all those aspects that can make a positive impact for our clients,” said Totaro. “Freeman has excelled at customer service and we know their experience and commitment to our customers will serve Huntington Place and the entire Detroit community well.”