New Online Order System Streamlines Event Services in Cobo
Launched and developed during the 2018 North American International Auto Show (NAIAS), Cobo Center's new online order system system gives in-house and vendor event services a streamlined, transparent ordering process. Customer can now access ordering history in Cobo from beginning to end and keep a credit card online for simplified payment.
“For our customers across the globe that rely on us for their event's success, this new software creates an online order system that gives immediate information to users on order status, history and payment,” said Claude Molinari, Cobo Center general manager. “Reports, statements, and receipts are digitized, simplified and always accessible.
The new Telling Stone Software enables users to:
- Access historical documentation for all orders previously placed for all events
- Make a payment in a safe and secure manner with the ability to retain a credit card on file and expedite the checkout process
- Review costs before placing orders
- Receive electronic receipts and order confirmations
- Review a detailed order history by event, making it easier to place orders for future events
- Create order reports from historical data for event planning and budget development
- Copy orders from one event to another
“We know that if any part of our operations can deliver the level of service we expect to the auto show, it can support any event in our facility,” said Molinari. “NAIAS is the world’s biggest auto show, and it brings an international clientele with it. It was the perfect launching ground for us.”