Cobo Center earns MI Green Venue Certification

Jan 4, 2012

LANSING -- The Cobo Center, located in Detroit, has earned Green Venues Michigan (GLM) Steward certification from the Michigan Energy Office.

 “Cost-saving green business practices have been extremely positive for job creation and retention in the hospitality sector,” said Martin Dober, Vice President of New Markets of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC). “Venues across the state are continuing to show their commitment to environmental responsibility by earning Green Venues accreditation.”

Green Venues Michigan encourages entertainment venues, convention centers, and similar facilities to implement environmental initiatives and cost-saving “green” practices to conserve energy, reduce water consumption, protect air quality, reduce waste, and participate in environmentally preferred purchasing.
Cobo Center has implemented several environmental initiatives at their facility including:

• The Cobo Center Green Committee meets several times monthly to promote sustainability practices and Green initiatives, and has members from every department and in-house contracting company.
• Property wide recycling effort. Materials recycled include cardboard, paper, glass, plastic, metal, and others;
• Purchasing minimum 30% post consumer recycled content paper products;
• Buy Fresh, Buy Local Initiative
• HVAC controlled by a computerized Energy Management System;
• Induction lighting in exhibit halls;
• Majority of lighting controlled by photocells, timer, occupancy sensors or by the energy management system
• Air curtains on doors of exhibit floor vestibule.
• Recent energy audit to help identify other energy conservation opportunities

“Organizing our Cobo Center Green operations around the Green Venues Michigan certification mandates, provided us efficiency in planning and implementing our cost effective waste stream diversion measures. We are committed to environmental stewardship in our community, and happy to become the largest Green Venues Michigan facility in the state,” said Thom Connors, SMG regional vice president and general manager of Cobo Center.

Green Venues Michigan is a voluntary, non-regulatory certification program offered through the Michigan Energy Office at the Michigan Economic Development Corporation at no charge. The Michigan Energy Office provides technical assistance to those who are interested in implementing “green” strategies and earning certification. The GVM program certifies facilities based on environmental initiatives such as air quality, energy efficiency, solid waste reduction, toxic waste management, water conservation, purchasing and communication. There are three levels of certification: Partner, Steward, and Leader, which can be earned by completing a self-assessment checklist and achieving a minimum number of requirements and points.

The Michigan Energy Office promotes energy efficiency and renewable energy resource development to Michigan's residents, businesses, and public institutions. For more information about the Green Venues Michigan program and to download the GVM application packet and self-assessment checklist, visit the website at and click on the Green Venues Michigan link under Programs.

The Michigan Economic Development Corporation, a public-private partnership serving as the state's marketing arm and lead agency for business, talent and jobs, focuses on helping grow Michigan's economy. For more on the MEDC and its initiatives, visit: